Sunday, September 02, 2007

We had our first softball practice yesterday

and the head coach didn't show up. First let me preface this by saying that I got a call from one of the players dads whom I coached last season and he asked when our first practice was because no one had called him yet. Now Tracey, the head coach, got our practice schedule last Monday, so he had all that time to call people and tell them about yesterday. I didn't have any of the girls numbers except 3, and I only had those because they were on my team in the spring, so I couldn't call anyone about yesterday's practice. I had tried to call Tracey on his home and cell phone with no avail. I called the commissioner and luckily he had them, so I began calling at 12:30 yesterday for a 3:00 practice. Not the ideal thing to do. I did manage to get 8 out of the 11 girls to show up, thankfully. Tracey called me at 2:00 and said he wasn't going to call a practice since it was Labor Day weekend. Opening Day is in mid October and he wants to procrastinate on getting these girls ready to play as a team. Thankfully one of the dad's helped me out. I was just glad that I had ran many a practices before yesterday, or I would have been lost.

I think overall we have a good team this season, a great group of girls. We have another one today at 2. Hopefully Tracey shows up for this one. I took on assistant coach so I would have less stress. It's not working out that way so far.

**UPDATE** He actually showed up and we had a great practice. YEAH!

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