I'm not going to lie. There were some parts of it that were uncomfortable to say the least, but I assured him that if I could have two natural childbirths, I could handle this. I only flinched a little when he was doing the white, which is one of the more painful colors to do. Luckily there wasn't a lot of that. Overall I am extremely happy with the results and can't wait to show it off by the poolside in Vegas in April :)
The great artist Harry Aron and I after he was finished. He is awesome!
Hi from the West Coast!
I haven't been around much recently but finally am catching up on a few blogs that I've not read in awhile. It is good to hear that you and your family are doing well. Have you bought an RV yet? Pat wasn't really into traveling so we sold ours and replaced it with a Toyota Prius.
I'll try to get around to visit more often. Good to see that you are still blogging- doing better than I am at it!
Hey Dick!
I just got back into myself to tell you the truth. No we haven't bought that RV yet, maybe when we retire. So are you still doing any traveling?
I love it Melly!
Thanks Jude ;)
Love the tattoo!
nice tatoo
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