London was fabulous. I could never live there, but it was a great city to visit. Paris was pretty, but everyone is so freakin' rude there. Everyone in the UK was super nice and courteous. I had a wonderful conversation with a Welshman who taught at the local university while playing some pool.
And the highlight of the trip was getting to see Diane again. She is a truly remarkable person that not only took so much of her own time helping me plan this trip, something I could never have done on my own, but showed me London and Peterborough her hometown. It was wonderful spending time with her and her lovely family.
Scott, Heather, Lara, Shannon, Stephanie, and Kim
Of course I had to get into a real red phone box :)
The kids getting acquainted at the pub
In front of Buckingham Palace
It was a wonderful trip and I am so glad we did it :)