Sunday, April 02, 2006

Fun Times at the Beach

We got back from Myrtle Beach today and the weather was great. They were calling for thunderstorms yesterday, but they never came, so my girls and hubby got to enjoy some beach time while I was in my ultrasound conference learning new things. We went to Broadway at the Beach last night which was this really neat place that had several stores, restaurants, and family activities. We played putt putt at The Dragon's Lair and ate at Johnny Rockets which was neat. It's like a 50's diner where the waiters and waitresses sing and dance to entertain you. I was done with my conference today at 12:00 so we took the girls to some outlet stores and Stephanie got her softball helmet spray painted. All the kids do it around here, it's a pretty big deal apparantly. I like the way they put the fast-pitch softballs on either side:

The girls had a great time at the beach frollicking:

This is my favorite though since they don't "get along" as well now that they are getting older, so whenever they have a sister bonding moment, I treasure it:

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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